Teal organisations

See the work of Frederic Laloux in Reinventing Organizations (2014).

According to Laloux, the evolution of humanity passes through various leaps or steps, which represent five different stages of human consciousness. This are described with colours as below:

Colour Style Characteristics
Red Impulsive Establishing and enforcing authority through power.
Amber Conformist Moral view internalized according to common group beliefs.
Orange Achievement The world is predictable, scientifically observable and controllable.
Green Pluralistic A sense of inclusion and a drive to view and treat all people as equal.
Teal Evolutionary The world is a place where everyone is called by intuition to contribute based on their unique potential.

Since organisations are large groups of people, their structures can also be classified in the same way. Teal organisations are characterised by a high degree of autonomy and psychological safety. The teams within them are usually [[ High performance | high performing ]] when the tasks involve a high degree of creativity and innovation, since innovation involves inherent risk of failure. These organisations do best not by trying to lower the risk of failure - which can never be zero - but by lowering the cost of failure.

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