Beyond work

A common fear of AI, revolves around the prospect of machines taking humans’ jobs. Why are people afraid of not having a job?

What if this is part of our evolution as a species? Our lives supported - or skills and abilities so effectively augmented - that we can devolve our responsibility to provide labour. Both physical and mental.

Aristotle saw the highest level of human consciousness as being the state of reflection. Confucius called reflection the noblest of the three paths to wisdom. So might dispensing with the daily toil and grind of work be the perfect opportunity to reach the next stage of our individual and collective evolution?

Perhaps not only spending the time in reflection but also achieving a state of what is known as Flow. That might be pursuing some activity for the pure practise and refinement of the underlying skill. Honing and perfecting one’s abilities not for increased economic gain - like making oneself more employable - but simply improvement for improvement’s sake.

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